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Tuff—New Wireless TTL Flash Trigger

Tuff TTL Wireless Flash TriggerIrish camera gear maker Hahnel asked me to test their new Tuff TTL Wireless Flash Trigger for Canon DSLR’s (a Nikon version is “coming soon.”)  I’m happy to report that it’s a solid entry into the mid-range flash trigger marketplace.

The Tuff fills a gap between the low-priced, dependable, sync-only triggers (Yongnuo, Cactus, Strato, etc,. as seen in my off-camera flash photography course), and the high-end TTL triggers (Phottix Odin, PocketWizard Flex) that provide through-the-lens metered control of multiple remote flash groups. (more…)

A Do-It-Yourself Bubblewrap Lens Filter

Michael Zelbel

Michael Zelbel

Today I’m pleased to present the first guest post ever on this blog, by one of my favorite photography teachers, Michael Zelbel, author of the bestselling ebook The Art of Boudoir Photography with Speedlites. If you’ve ever seen his videos, you know Michael is a colorful character full of passion for his subject. To get the full effect of his personality, you should read the following with an enthusiastic and slightly zany German accent. — Phil

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Hello! For many beauty photographers who are just starting out on this awesome artistic journey, introducing variety to their pictures can be a daunting task. A limited skill set and a shoestring budget can be legitimate obstacles to expanding your creative horizons.

Now, usually I tell you how to shoot some beautiful images using only a few bare necessities: essential lighting gear, a camera, some kind of interior space, and your imagination.

However, there is another great option you should look into—putting together excellent home-made alternatives for costly and fancy equipment!

The Bubblewrap FIlter

The Bubblewrap Filter - Vintage Holga meets modern soft focus?

Today I want to tell you how to manufacture a bubblewrap filter for your lens that would put McGuyver himself to shame! So if you’re interested, read on…


Do You Keep a Camera Ready?

How many great photos have you missed because you weren’t quick enough laying your hands on a camera?

Cruise Ship in San Diego Bay

Almost Missed It

If you’re like me, it’s probably hundreds or thousands of missed opportunities, especially if you have kids or pets that tend to do photogenic things at unpredictable times.

But at least now I end up smacking my forehead in regret far less often than I used to. Below, I’ll tell you how I changed my habits, but first, this morning’s story is a classic example. (more…)

Student Success Story: Robert Baker

Robert Baker, Napa Photography

By Robert Baker - Click to enlarge

Here’s a bit of inspiration for those of you hoping to launch a career in photography.

Robert Baker was one of the first buyers of my off-camera-flash portrait course. At the time, he wrote me to say, “I got a TON more out of these videos than I thought I would!”

Well he wasn’t kidding. Apparently Robert learns fast, because soon he was posting photos on his website that looked like the work of a seasoned professional.

All of the photos on this page were lit with small flashes using the principles taught in my course. And frankly, many of them look as good as or better than anything I’ve ever shot. (more…)

Take Creative iPhone Photos with Olloclip

Olloclip 3-in-1 Lens for iPhone 4

Olloclip 3-in-1 Lens for iPhone 4

I love the iPhone, both as a smart phone and as a pocket camera, but all too often I find myself cursing the camera’s narrow field of view.

It’s especially troubling when you’re in a tight space and you just can’t get far enough away to frame your subject, or when you have a vast subject that really deserves a wide angle lens. At times like this, you really miss your DSLR.

Well, a clever company named Olloclip has just given us one more reason to leave the heavy DSLR at home, with their Olloclip 3-in-1 Lens for the iPhone 4 and 4S. (more…)

Seasonal Light

Point Loma Sunrise

Point Loma Sunrise (click to enlarge)

This morning I woke up to a sight I’ve never seen before: the sun sparkling from windows on Point Loma, on the far side San Diego Bay, reflecting a fiery shimmer across the water.

Still half-asleep, I grabbed the nearest camera and my 70-200 f/4 L lens, snapped a shot, and went back to sleep.

Later I wondered, why have I never seen this before? (All right, smart aleck, I’ll admit it’s true that I’m rarely up at the crack of dawn.)

But there’s a more fundamental reason. It hasn’t happened before. (more…)

Phottix Odin—The Ultimate Flash Trigger?

Phottix Odin Transmitter

Phottix Odin Transmitter

My Phottix Odin flash triggers just arrived, and oh, man, it’s like Christmas came early at my house.

Finally a gear-maker has delivered all the features I’ve been wanting in a flash trigger for years!

  • TTL Metering? – Check
  • High Speed Sync? – Check
  • Second Curtain Sync? – Check
  • Manual Power Settings? – Check
  • Multiple Groups? – Check
  • Backward Compatibility with cheaper triggers? – Check
  • Super Low Price? – Well, um… six out of seven ain’t bad

Seriously, I can’t think of anything that is missing from these triggers. Technology has finally caught up to my fantasy wish list.

So, why is this trigger a big deal? (more…)

Book Review: Off-Camera Flash by Neil van Niekerk

Off-Camera Flash by Neil van NiekerkNeil van Niekerk is one of my favorite writers on flash photography. When I reviewed his earlier book, On-Camera Flash, I got so excited that I praised him as “…that rarest of things, a great teacher.”

Thankfully he hasn’t made a liar out of me with his second book. Off-Camera Flash: Techniques for Digital Photographers fully lives up to that earlier praise, and more.

In a richly informative yet admirably concise 125 pages, Off-Camera Flash provides a wide-ranging look at its subject without becoming lost in the technical mire—and believe me, with this subject, it can be easy to get bogged down in the details. (more…)

Don’t Give It Away

We all get these requests, some of us many times per week:

“We don’t have a budget for photography, but we’d like to use your photos. We will offer you credit.”

Before I go on, check out writer Harlan Ellison’s video rant below (caution: strong language). It applies to writers, photographers, or any creative person being asked to deliver their goods for free:

Early in your photography career it can be tempting to accept these freebie requests in order to get “exposure.” After all, you want to get seen, build a reputation, get links to your site.

But each time you deliver free photos to a for-profit business, you are actually destroying the photography marketplace that you one day hope to succeed in. You are helping to spread this pernicious idea that photography, and other creative work, should be free. (more…)

Canon 320EX — Do You Need It?

Canon’s new 320EX flash is the first to feature a continuous LED light for shooting video.

Sounds great, but will it still meet your needs up as a dedicated flash?

Watch the video to learn why I have serious doubts about the 320EX as a flash for still photography.
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