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June, 2014:

Fuji X100S: A Second Look

Fuji X100S with Lens FilterIn December I wrote about traveling with the Fuji X100S camera for a week, and how it was both liberating and occasionally frustrating.

After using the camera sporadically for six months, and and after another recent heavy-use trip, I’d like to share some revised thoughts now that I know the camera a bit better.

I’d especially like to highlight two important features that I didn’t get to use in my previous Hawaii trip, and which I think are strong advantages of this camera. (more…)

Two Great New Photography E-Books

New E-BooksI know many of you love photography e-books because they are:

(a) Inexpensive,
(b) Easy to refer back to any time,
(c) Portable on all your devices, and
(d) Did I mention inexpensive?

Well, while I was busy finishing my Event Photography course, two of my favorite photography teachers put out great new e-books that I am long overdue in bringing to your attention.

Let’s look at each separately. (more…)

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